In-order to work on excel operations from c# need to add a reference Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
and should use the name space reference as using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Find below the c# method, ReadExcelValues to read data from an Excel sheet specifying the following inputs,
"FileName - name of the file",
"SheetName - name of the file",
"ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers"
"ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers,
"Header - specify if column header value is required in the result"
Return Value
Method returns a two dimensional array with values from excel
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace BusinessCreation
class ReadingFromExcel
static string[,] ExcelValList;
static int[] ColumnNames = new int[2];
static void Main(string[] args)
string FileName =@"C:\Users\chery\Desktop\Openings_AU.xlsx";
string SheetName= "Sheet1";
ColumnNames[0]= 1;
ColumnNames[1]= 2;
ExcelValList = ReadExcelValues(FileName, SheetName, ColumnNames,false);
for (int i = 0; i < ExcelValList.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ExcelValList.GetLength(1); j++)
if (ExcelValList[i, j] != null)
Console.WriteLine(ExcelValList[i, j]);
//Console.WriteLine("i :" + (i) + " j: " + (j));
/*Input parameters for ReadExcelValues "FileName - name of the file", "SheetName - name of the file"
Input parameters for ReadExcelValues "ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers"
Input parameters for "ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers, "Header - specify if column header value is required in the result"
Return parameter multidimensional string[,] array named - ExcelValueListTemp
public static string[,] ReadExcelValues(string FileName, string SheetName, int[] ColumnNumber,bool Header)
Excel.Application ExcelApp;
Excel.Workbook WorkBook;
Excel.Worksheet WorkSheet;
ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
ExcelApp.Visible = true;
WorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(FileName);
WorkSheet = WorkBook.Worksheets[SheetName];
string[,] ExcelValueListTemp = new string[WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, ColumnNumber.Length];
for (int j = 1; j <=WorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; j++)
for (int i = 1; i <= WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int z = 0; z < ColumnNumber.Length; z++)
//Consider only the columns specified in the method input "ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers"
if (j == ColumnNames[z])
//Flow if method input for Header is true
if (Header == true)
string str1 = WorkSheet.Cells[i, ColumnNumber[z]].Value;
//Condition to ignore all the null values
if (str1 != null)
//ExcelValueListTemp.Add(ColumnNames[z].ToString() + ";" + str1);
ExcelValueListTemp[i, j] = str1;
//Flow if method input Header is false
else if (Header == false)
if (i > 1)
string str1 = WorkSheet.Cells[i, ColumnNumber[z]].Value;
//Condition to ignore all the null values
if (str1 != null)
ExcelValueListTemp[i - 2, ColumnNumber[z] - 1] = str1;
//Console.WriteLine(ExcelValueListTemp[i - 1, ColumnNames[z] - 1]);
//Console.WriteLine("i-1 :" + (i - 2) + " ColumnNames[z]-1: " + (ColumnNames[z] - 1));
return ExcelValueListTemp;
and should use the name space reference as using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Find below the c# method, ReadExcelValues to read data from an Excel sheet specifying the following inputs,
"FileName - name of the file",
"SheetName - name of the file",
"ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers"
"ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers,
"Header - specify if column header value is required in the result"
Return Value
Method returns a two dimensional array with values from excel
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace BusinessCreation
class ReadingFromExcel
static string[,] ExcelValList;
static int[] ColumnNames = new int[2];
static void Main(string[] args)
string FileName =@"C:\Users\chery\Desktop\Openings_AU.xlsx";
string SheetName= "Sheet1";
ColumnNames[0]= 1;
ColumnNames[1]= 2;
ExcelValList = ReadExcelValues(FileName, SheetName, ColumnNames,false);
for (int i = 0; i < ExcelValList.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ExcelValList.GetLength(1); j++)
if (ExcelValList[i, j] != null)
Console.WriteLine(ExcelValList[i, j]);
//Console.WriteLine("i :" + (i) + " j: " + (j));
/*Input parameters for ReadExcelValues "FileName - name of the file", "SheetName - name of the file"
Input parameters for ReadExcelValues "ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers"
Input parameters for "ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers, "Header - specify if column header value is required in the result"
Return parameter multidimensional string[,] array named - ExcelValueListTemp
public static string[,] ReadExcelValues(string FileName, string SheetName, int[] ColumnNumber,bool Header)
Excel.Application ExcelApp;
Excel.Workbook WorkBook;
Excel.Worksheet WorkSheet;
ExcelApp = new Excel.Application();
ExcelApp.Visible = true;
WorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(FileName);
WorkSheet = WorkBook.Worksheets[SheetName];
string[,] ExcelValueListTemp = new string[WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, ColumnNumber.Length];
for (int j = 1; j <=WorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; j++)
for (int i = 1; i <= WorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int z = 0; z < ColumnNumber.Length; z++)
//Consider only the columns specified in the method input "ColumnNumber - array[] input with column numbers"
if (j == ColumnNames[z])
//Flow if method input for Header is true
if (Header == true)
string str1 = WorkSheet.Cells[i, ColumnNumber[z]].Value;
//Condition to ignore all the null values
if (str1 != null)
//ExcelValueListTemp.Add(ColumnNames[z].ToString() + ";" + str1);
ExcelValueListTemp[i, j] = str1;
//Flow if method input Header is false
else if (Header == false)
if (i > 1)
string str1 = WorkSheet.Cells[i, ColumnNumber[z]].Value;
//Condition to ignore all the null values
if (str1 != null)
ExcelValueListTemp[i - 2, ColumnNumber[z] - 1] = str1;
//Console.WriteLine(ExcelValueListTemp[i - 1, ColumnNames[z] - 1]);
//Console.WriteLine("i-1 :" + (i - 2) + " ColumnNames[z]-1: " + (ColumnNames[z] - 1));
return ExcelValueListTemp;
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