Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Using XPath to identify Web objects from Selenium WebDriver

XPath can be used by following methods,
1. To find a web object by name attribute

In the below example, to find a web object of <input> tag category with name as deposit, XPath can be formed as XPath("//Input[@name='deposit']") and C# statement for the same can be formed as

Screen reference 

HTML reference
<td width="30%" nowrap="" align="left">
<input type="text class=" onkeyup="javascript:doCheckTBox(this,2,2)" size="8" value="2000000"   name="deposit" flat"="" style="text-align: right;">

2. To find a web object by class attribute


In the below example, to find a web object of <td> tag category with class as navtab_selected, XPath can be formed as XPath("//td[@class='navtab_selected']") and C# statement for the same can be formed as

Screen reference
HTML reference
<td align="center" class="navtab_selected">
<a href="/">Home</a>

3. To find a web object by multiple attributes

driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//Tag[@type='type-name' and @name='name']"))

In the below example, to find a web object of <input> tag category with type as button and name as btnGo, XPath can be formed as XPath("//input[@type='button' and @name='btnGo']") and C# statement for the same can be formed as
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@type='button' and @name='btnGo']"))

Screen reference
HTML reference
<input type="button" onclick="javascript: doSubmitCompareRateProduct()" value="Go" class="flat" name="btnGo">

4. To find a web object by using the contained text

I have a well formed XHTML page. I want to find the web object with URL, for which I have the text that is linked.
<a href="">Text of the URL</a>
The XPath expression to find the URL link with text as Text of the URL  is
//a[text()='Text of the URL']

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